Posts about posts! And holes and studs and timbers and all of the various pieces that make a house a place to live as opposed to an ominous pile of materials a truck drops off beside a big hole.
Weeping tile going in to drain our troubles down and away. Toward the neighbours.
Tractor pull (Did I use that already?)
The forms were stuck, but the Yanmar was having none of that.
Door damage.
The front entrance door was at the wrong end of some rebar sticking out of a concrete pier. Thanks, high winds!
A seat is a seat
Milly trying to catch a nap on the tractor as the sun goes down.
Wire crew
Cutting wire to act as whalers for the retaining walls. These wires would be stretched to – and past – their limits.
We’ve got the power!
Filled in trench with electrical service and Tbaytel line in. Gotta say I appreciated the coordination between Wildon, Tbaytel, and Hydro One during all of this; they actually made things really easy!
If I could turn back time…
The longer of two retaining walls we built to assist the house in the difficult task of not falling over.
Watch and learn
Carson watching the crew from Wildon Wiring install the hydro poles up driveway #1.
‘Til the landslide brought me down
I wanted to do more shovelling anyway.