Building a house, and a family, one step at a time.
How can you create a home that’s more welcoming, more inviting, and more people will be blessed by entering? Well we’re not entirely sure, but here’s a sample of what we’re doing to try to create a Home for Hosting. On this site you’ll find how-to’s, stories, a build blog, and product and technique reviews on what we like, what we’d do differently, and what to avoid when building your own home.
(Oh yeah, we are still very much building this site and importing a ton of posts over from our previous home building blog which was pretty haphazard. BUT, we are already getting some pageviews despite not yet sharing it anywhere, so if you happen to stumble upon this site somehow, please check back later when we’ve got it all prim and proper!)
Where’s the Toilet?
Live-ing on the Edge
Range hood test fit
The range hood is sprayed and test fit around the off-centred beam. Now to take it down, clear-coat it, and install the backsplash.
O Christmas Tree!
Our first Christmas in the house means our first Christmas tree cut down from the back glade. This 14 footer had some trouble getting through the front door, but looked just right once inside.
This means war!
Fun game: when you’re waiting for your paint to be mixed grab some paint chips and play war! Darkest shade wins the round.