Live-ing on the Edge

Range hood test fit
The range hood is sprayed and test fit around the off-centred beam. Now to take it down, clear-coat it, and install the backsplash.
O Christmas Tree!
Our first Christmas in the house means our first Christmas tree cut down from the back glade. This 14 footer had some trouble getting through the front door, but looked just right once inside.
This means war!
Fun game: when you’re waiting for your paint to be mixed grab some paint chips and play war! Darkest shade wins the round.
Finishing touches
We are now getting around to the part of your program where Dana’s skills as a decorator really shine. Here is the front foyer with some new art from South Africa and a large clock, naturally.
Notes from the hood
Making the range hood in the basement workshop. Finally those tall ceilings downstairs are showing their usefulness!
Pretty in Pink
Can you guess which room belongs to the only daughter of the house?
Iron and wood
Me (Nik) and the kids put together a little pipe and wood firewood holder shortly after the fireplace was installed.
Looks like winter’s here
A slimy slushy dump of snow meant that the summer tires on the truck were mostly useless. You know when you slide backward and can’t even steer in reverse it’s gonna be a good time.